Dreams and Nightmares

Hey Loves ! I’m back with another blog! I’m so happy we made it to Wednesday lol! My topic that I chose to talk about today is dreams and nightmares. Sorry to burst you guy’s bubble but this isn’t a breakdown of Meek Mill’s famous hit song. I’m going to be discussing our actual dreams and how to conquer our nightmares (which is portrayed by our obstacles or fears ).

Let’s take a second to think… What is your biggest dream? What drives you to accomplish that dream? What is your goal in life? In 10 years where do you see yourself? These are all questions that we need to stop and ask ourselves. For me, my aspiration in life is to be a popular writer on BuzzFeed or somehow work for BuzzFeed. Is that a stretch? I don’t think so! I feel as though if I keep writing and keep pursuing my dreams then eventually I can get there! I can’t let my nightmares overcome my happiness.

This is the mindset we need to have in achieving our goals. Now let’s be realistic for a sec, there are going to be nightmares along the way. I know we are all familiar with that huge feeling of anxiety that we get when we’re about to do something we feel that’s risky. We CANNOT submit to those inner thoughts. Being risky shouldn’t always have a negative connotation. Believing in yourself and taking that risk could potentially get you one step closer to where you intend to be in your goals. Remember there will be a pool full of no’s before that perfect yes! Use those “No’s” as your motivation. Do not Beat yourself up about it. Repeat after me “sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you! Don’t allow the puppet masters of your nightmares, being depression and anxiety, determine your future. They will start to build up and you lose all hope in accomplishing your dreams.

Now I’m not perfect..(far from it actually) and this is something I often struggle with, but when I start to feel this way I repeat my personal mantra to regain that strength to keep going! What in the heck is a mantra? A mantra is a positive affirmation that can help you break through subconscious barriers to evoke true positive change! Make sense? For instance, some include, “I will succeed” or “I will have a good day”. In conclusion, close you’re eyes and allow yourself to become vulnerable to your dreams and begin obstructing your nightmares!

Well that’s all I have for you guys lol thanks for reading!!! Remember to like, comment and subscribe!!! Love you all…Be Blessed…Kay’s Out!!!! 💕

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Dad says:

    They say the sky is the limit. But I say there is no limit to your dreams . Your dreams is your number one motivation . You can be whatever you want to be . Keep that Vision and don’t loose sight of it .☺☺

    Liked by 1 person

  2. AP says:

    Keep up the hard work follow all your dreams don’t give up on none, like this blog keep it going! Don’t let the ceiling be the roof.


    1. Kay_Writes says:

      Ceiling is the roof??? Lol


  3. Winnie says:

    Keep dreaming! It will be your passport to success. 😊💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kay_Writes says:

      Thank you so muchhhh !!!


  4. Tony Perkins says:

    Awesome ! written and explained well . Very true about our can fears make us feel immobilized and not taking the steps or calculated risks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kay_Writes says:

      Thanks so much i appreciate the support!


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